Dear Families,
November is a great time to show those around us how valuable they are. We honored veterans in each of our schools on Friday, November 8. I would like to send a special thanks to our military veterans for their sacrifices, and thank our current service men and women who go above and beyond for our freedom, security, and safety.
This is also the time of year where local community organizations provide extra help for families in our area. If you are in need or know a family in need the following link provides multiple resources in Spokane County (Spokane County Holiday Assistance Programs). The list was provided by the West Plains Support Network, an organization committed to supporting students and families in need.
As a reminder, there will be no school for students Monday through Friday, November 25 - 29. Monday - Tuesday, November 25 - 26 are Student Led Conferences, with Wednesday - Friday off for Thanksgiving Break.
As many of you know, parent/guardian involvement is of the utmost importance in the academic success of students. I encourage you all to attend the upcoming conferences. In preparation, Assistant Superintendent Kim Headrick created the following “Conference Checklist” to help families get ready.
- Talk to your student before conferences to find out what they love about school this year and to surface any concerns or issues.
- Prepare a list of questions for your student and/or the teacher such as:
- What are my student’s strengths in school this year?
- What are my student’s challenges?
- Does my student participate in class?
- Does my student seem happy at school or have quality friendships?
- Does my student work well in groups?
- Does my student seem rested, focused and ready to learn?
- Does my student seem challenged by the classwork?
- Ask for specific examples or clarification of anything you don’t understand.
- Ask your student or the teacher for ways you can support your student’s education at home, including apps, workbooks, websites, etc.
- Ask if the teacher needs parent volunteer support with anything.
- Don’t forget to thank the teacher for all he/she does for your student.
I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for the high level of parent involvement in our schools and the wonderful students you send us each day.
Tim Ames, Superintendent