Medical LakeSchool District

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Message from the Superintendent 7.9.2020

Hello Families,

This is Tim Ames the Superintendent of the Medical Lake School District. The MLSD staff hopes you and your families had a wonderful 4th of July and are enjoying the Summer.  Our team has been working hard to identify paths to reopening in the Fall.  As you may know, we received guidelines from the state Department of Health and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). We are currently creating a checklist of our own based off of those requirements and will share them via our website and facebook soon. 

Looking back on the 2019-2020 school year, we want to thank you for the support we received.  Challenging does not seem like a strong enough adjective to describe the times we are in.   However, of the many things we view as a success, the assistance and input from students, parents, and staff through our Educational Effectiveness Survey is on the top of the list!  Please know we heard your thoughts and concerns and encourage you to share those with the State Department of Health.

To assist with planning for a return to school this Fall, MLSD staff will be calling families during the July 14-16 time period to help us identify what services and or options are optimal for your child and family.  

Again, thank you for your continued support. I wish you all a safe summer and look forward to seeing everyone in the fall.   Also, we are holding a “Heart to Heart” Q & A via Zoom for parents on Wednesday, July 15th at 4:00.  If you would like to join us please use this link.

Most sincerely, 

Mr. Ames